Showing posts with label wifi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wifi. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

C64 Wifi Modem

I had built a C64 Wifi Modem quite a while ago using the excellent post at the 1200baud blog. I used the very basic adapter board with it and it worked just fine.

More recently a more complex adapter board appeared for the ESP8266, so I thought I'd have a go at the new adapter board from Sven Petersen. It was a LOT more complex with some nice features thrown in.

You can see here the difference in complexity.  There are literally two parts on the old board if you solder the ESP8266 module direct to it. The new board has at LOT of new parts.

It was a really nice project to put together with excellent documentation from both sites on how to set it all up. As you can see it works wonderfully.